Firm boosts

fun run

A PLUMBING merchants firm in Saltash has given a £100 boost to the Tamar Trotters running club for their 'Magnificent Seven Fun Run' on July 8. Plumb Center, at Tamar View Industrial Estate, has donated the money which the club, based at Moorlands Lane, will use to pay for prizes for the one-and-a-half mile run - open to under 16s. The fun run will be held alongside the main seven-mile road race, which is part of the East Cornwall and West Devon Athletics Forum Grand Prix series.

School reunion

A reunion is being planned at Saltash community school for September 8 at 7pm. The event is to include a bar, buffet and disco. Tickets are £8 each or £15 per couple. For details ring Kaye on 01752 849233.

Concert for RNLI

THE RNLI in Saltash are planning a Sea Shanties concert, featuring the Hanging Johnnies, in September, to raise funds. The concert is to be held September 28 at 7.30pm.

Forder fete

THE Forder summer fete is to be held on July l, featuring Saltash town band, boating events, children's rides, races, skittles, cream teas, a barbecue and a variety of stalls. The fete, to start at 2pm, is being held beside the creek overlooked by Trematon Castle.

Speech and drama

students impress

JUDGES from London, Miss J Bolton and Mr Roberts, were very impressed with the standard of students attending the Saltash Bethany School of Speech and Drama.

There were many outstanding and talented performances to which honours and distinctions were awarded.

Results were: Intro grade - Luke Freeman; Grades I-IV - Enya Lucas, Eleanor and Max Venables, Joshua Luscombe, Tyler and Chloe Rayford, Sarah Fitzpatrick, Dominique Netherton, Lucy Vennard, Elizabeth Jones, Teresa Kowalski, Melissa Watson, Harriet Elias-Jones, Sally Mason, Ann Murton, Ebony Barrett, Victoria Lord, Sophie Hart; Grades V-VI - Maleesa Gavasingha, Harriett Bremner, Sam Mason, Hannah Best, Kayleigh Smith, Kerry Oliver, Sophie Barrett, Anthony Chenery, Gavin Taylor, Rebecca Bazley, Rebecca Elias-Jones, Alison Spreadborough, Ruth Pettit, Bethany Foote; Grades VII-VIII - Emma Park, Joanna Riggs, Kerrie Russell, Catherine Packer, Amberlee Foote.

Cake sale cheque

STUDENTS with special educational needs will be presenting Cancer Research with a cheque for £34 raised during a cake sale last month.

Organising the sale and baking the cakes was part of the coursework for students completing their vocational access certificate in Saltash College's foundation studies department.