A PARKING rebate scheme has been made permanent to support shoppers and businesses in Liskeard. 

The ‘money back on your parking’ initiative was launched by the Liskeard Traders Association in the run up to Christmas. 

Now, the scheme can continue, as parking machines in the town have been upgraded to issue a new kind of ticket; so far, around 30 retailers are participating. 

In order to take advantage, all people need to do is present their duplicate parking ticket when paying for their shopping, and traders will give cash back. 

To make it fair to those using public transport to come into town, the money back also applies when presenting a bus ticket. 

The minimum spend and amount of cash back varies from shop to shop, explains Tracy Adams of the Traders Association. 

“Posters advertising the scheme are now in the car parks and in the shop windows of businesses taking part,” she said. 

“There are about 30 shops continuing with it, and the feedback has been very positive.” 

As there is no limit to how many shops your ticket can be presented in, Tracy adds, it’s possible not only to claim back enough money to cover your parking, but also potentially to treat yourself to a coffee while in town. 

The project has been supported by Town and Cornwall Councillor Nick Craker, who said: 

“This has been a great collaboration between our town traders, Cornwall Council and myself. I directed funding towards the parking rebate scheme, addressing a persistent concern among residents.  

“While parking charges remain a contentious issue, the successful implementation of the rebate scheme during the winter months received positive feedback.  

“This collaborative effort with local businesses will not only ease the financial burden on residents but also demonstrates the potential for effective future partnerships between the council and our hard-working town traders.”