The Cornish Times received a letter from the South East Cornwall MPWatch via email. It said:

"Following the recent correspondence around your readers experience of their meeting with Sheryll Murray we would like to introduce your readers to MPWatch. 

"This is a national non political organisation that has been set up to hold our elected representatives to account on their approach to the Climate Emergency and remind them that they are our representatives in Parliament and as such need to listen to the views of all those they represent. In South East Cornwall we have just established SheryllMurrayWatch and are monitoring Ms Murray’s voting record in climate related bills.

"We are in a planetary emergency; tipping points and weather records are being reached, passed and broken; we’re experiencing prolonged and extreme heatwaves; serious fires; intense drought; catastrophic storms and flooding; food shortages; excess human deaths; rising sea levels and melting ice caps and a devastating report on biodiversity loss; all exacerbated by the changing climate.

"Yet our politicians act as though this is something that can be left till another day, because addressing it now needs strong, honest and decisive leadership. 

"While the effect of ignoring it will be devastating to those less well off as fuel and food prices soar, politicians of both major parties are heavily influenced by the vested interests of obscenely wealthy businesses and individuals who make vast fortunes from the fossil fuel industry.

"We do have the solutions and our climate scientists tell us that we can still avert the worst case scenarios, but only if we take the necessary action now. We cannot put it off till tomorrow, and as individuals there is only so much we can do. The big changes need government legislation and support. 

"With a general election in the offing the climate needs to be right at the top of party manifestos and readers need to let all those in, or about to come into, power know that this matters to them.

"Please take a few minutes of your time to Sheryll Murray and follow us on Facebook: SheryllMurrayWatch"