PA23/03276: An application for advertisement consent to replace an existing double-sided internally illuminated six-sheet bus shelter advertising displays with a double-side digital display at a bus shelter in East Looe has been rejected by Cornwall Council’s planning team. 

Cornwall Council told the applicant, Sue Cook, that the granting of the application, for the bus shelter, on Station Road, East Looe would harm the visual amenity of the area. 

Looe Town Council objected to the planning permission, saying: “OBJECT. Looe Town Council feel the proposed digital advertisement may not be appropriate for Looe, as it is out of character with the surrounding conservation area. 

“The proposed would be more visually intrusive that the existing static signage, also the proximity to the historic East Looe Bridge, a grade 11 listed structure and the Mariners Garden is an unsympathetic commercial development, with little public benefit.

“It also contravenes the Town and Country Planning Act, ‘Control of Advertisements’ and page 95/96 ‘Commercial Signage’ of the NDP conservation rulings.”Cornwall Council told the applicant it would refuse the application for the following reason: “The proposed advertisement, by reason of the modern digital appearance and illumination would have a harmful impact on the visual amenity of the area, failing to preserve or enhance Looe Conservation Area and the setting of adjacent Listed structures.“

The harm arising from the development amounts to less than substantial harm that is not outweighed by public benefits. The application is therefore contrary to Policy 24 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030, Policy TC6 of the Looe Neighbourhood Development Plan, paragraphs 8, 126, 130, 136, 199 and 202 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023.”