Heavy rain has brought flash flooding to parts of the South West this week, and Aspray Exeter director Larry Hamilton-Wright offers his expertise on what to do if your home is flooded and your need to make a claim on your insurance policy.

Survey the damage

The first step, if it is safe to do so, is to check your home to establish the depth of the water damage.

Take a powerful waterproof torch with you and remember to wear waders and thick gloves, where possible, as a precaution – even clean-looking water could be contaminated by either sewage or chemicals.

Flood damage can be pervasive throughout your home, so even if it appears that only the ground floor is flooded, check upstairs too.

Turn off your utilities if you didn’t get a chance before evacuating – if you’re not confident, contact your utility company for help.

Take photographs

You need to document as much of your home as possible as it stands, so take photos of everything.

You’re looking for signs of structural damage, cracks, holes, and warping of the foundations.

However, if you suspect that your property is not structurally stable, do not enter until you are advised to do so by a professional.

When you can enter the property safely, begin assessing the damage to your belongings.

Again, take photos of everything exactly as you find it.

You can never take too many photos- they may become invaluable for assessing your insurance claim later down the line, so document every step of your walk-through.

The clean-up

MMould can begin setting in very quickly, so open all doors and windows as soon as possible and remove soaked items – photograph everything before you throw it away.

Notify local utility companies if you’re the only house affected, and your landlord if you rent your property.

If doors, windows, or the roof have been damaged, use boards and tarp to secure the property as you may be liable for any further damage resulting from it being unsecured.

Call a loss assessor

Handling an insurance claim can be tricky. Utilising the expert help of a loss assessor can help get your claim settled swiftly and manage the reinstatement works.

Your assessor will inspect the property, documenting the damage and preparing a report for your insurance company.

They will also handle all the negotiations directly with your insurer to gain a fair settlement.

Getting your property reinstated to its pre-loss condition will also be managed by your loss assessor, so you won’t have to spend time searching for and arranging contractors.