Students and veteran staff at Duchy College Stoke Climsland have been chosen by the Royal British Legion to lead this year’s Poppy Appeal in Callington.

Military and Protective Services (MaPS) learners from the Stoke Climsland campus have been distributing poppies and collecting donations throughout the region, in preparation for Remembrance Sunday on November 12.

The group of enthusiastic students are eager to continue this tradition and can be seen at the Royal British Legion stand at Callington’s Tesco. This year’s event, taking place on Friday, November 10, will see students of all abilities run, yomp or speed-march as many mile loops of the college as they can, over a two-hour period.

Poppy Aldington, 17 from Callington, who is studying ‘Entry to Uniformed Services NCFE’ diploma, said: “I think this is brilliant and great that the Royal British Legion thought of us and want us to be involved. We are all hoping to have a career in the Services and it makes us feel even more connected to the Services.”

To donate to this year’s Poppy Run, visit Duchy College Poppy Run for The Royal British Legion JustGiving page.

• See page 31 for more details of local Remembrance events coming up