Dobwalls Primary School students have been learning all about personal safety as part of ‘Health and Wellness Week’.

Children have learnt about a wide range of topics how to keep them safe and well.

A spokesperson said: “We have learnt about fire safety - what causes fires and what to do if a fire, electrical safety in the home, road safety and beach safety.”

Students in Year 5 and 6 classes learnt about the dangers of vaping — not only for themselves but also the environment.

The week also gave the opportunity to spend time thinking about bereavement. The school have a memory garden where children can sit and reflect on loved lost ones and pets. All children painted a pebble to place in our memory garden.

Children also enjoyed a team sports afternoon.

The spokesperson added: “Such great team spirit with children of all different ages working together. Such a great week with a wide range important issues preparing children for life.”