My week started last week with a visit to the Natural History Museum with Parliament’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee.

The Government-funded Museum is an excellent source of information for the committee with some 80 million objects covering 4.6 billion years of our planet’s history.

The visit allowed to ask questions and see for ourselves some of the work of the museum which was relevant to the work of the committee.

During the week I also met with the British Heart Foundation where they were keen to highlight their new online training tool so that people know what to do when they witness a cardiac arrest.

Many people witness a cardiac arrest. I have, and knowing what to do is important.

Their course, RevivR, will teach you how to recognise a cardiac arrest, give you live feedback as you practise chest compressions and show you how to use a defibrillator.

The training is free, takes 15 minutes and all you need is your mobile phone and a cushion.

British Heart Foundation hope that it will give people the confidence to step in and possibly save a life.

You can do the training by searching for ‘BHF RevivR’.

Last week I also asked a couple of Business and Trade questions in the main chamber.

There are concerns that we need a secure source of a number of minerals for our industry.

I told the minister of our Cornish mining heritage and asked what efforts the department are taking to ensure we make the most of our home-grown mineral security.

The Minister responded by saying that the Government is investing in Cornwall and is looking at ways of securing local resources where possible.

I also asked about broadband rollout.

I am keen to see faster broadband being available to constituents, especially those in more rural areas.

I am keen to see this happen as quickly as possible and where possible using local firms which also provide employment to constituents.

Back in the constituency, it was a real pleasure to attend a Veterans breakfast in Lostwithiel at The Mess Hall in Fore Street.

It was good to meet with members of the Veterans Community at the invitation of former Mayor Tim Hughes.

There were a number of issues which members raised with me which I am going to chase up.

I would like to thank Tim for inviting me and to The Mess Hall which made a fantastic breakfast.

ON a more political note, it was good to meet with members of the local Conservative Party at their Annual General Meeting which was held in Liskeard.

I would like to thank Cllr Julian Smith for being the Chairman of the Association and leading the meeting.

It is always good to meet with members of the Association and I would like to thank them for taking a keen interest in politics and for the support they have given me over the years.