A PARISH Council hopes to support local people in improving their at home energy efficiency with a new entertaining animation video.

Stoke Climsland parish council has launched the short animation, which explores the benefits of taking a planned and systematic approach to improve efficiency, as part of their commitment to meet net zero target by 2030.

The parish council set up the carbon zero homes project to find practical solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce carbon emissions in the parish. 

The project is designed to support residents to reduce the impact of high energy bills, live in healthier homes and work together to help reduce impact on the planet.

It has been reported that 80 per cent of homes in the parish have an EPC rating of ‘D’ or less. 

A spokesperson from the council explained: "Effective insulation and ventilation is an essential first step in moving to a carbon free home. This is often referred to as fabric first."

The animation itself offers six key considerations and suggestions for practical improvement measures for more efficient home, these are – understanding the underlying condition of a house itself, insulation, ventilation, heating a home, cooling a home and the use of renewable and smart technologies.

The animation has been developed in collaboration with Tamar Energy Community, Two Counties Property Surveyors, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, and Tamar Valley Health.  

It will be available for all residents of the Parish Council to watch online and via social media. 

Dr Andy Nevill, community energy advisor at Stoke Climsland parish council, said:  “This is an excellent example of public (local government and NHS), private and third sector collaboration in action – coming together with knowledge and expertise and with a fantastic production team to produce a really informative short film which is easy to understand, accessible and relevant for any and all households.”

Cllr Richard Davies, chair of the carbon net zero committee, Stoke Climsland parish council, added: “The idea of making changes to our homes and the way we live our lives can feel like a daunting prospect, but this video helps makes sense of energy efficiency and the options available to us locally. We hope it will be a helpful resource to anyone looking to reduce high energy costs and our impact on the environment.”  

The animation (below) has been directed and animated by Ruby Ingleheart and was written by Jaimie Lock. 

For more information and support with improving energy efficiency in your home, click here.