A golf club and hotel has applied for planning permission for an extension which would see 20 new holiday units built and improvements to other facilities. Lanhydrock Golf Club and Hotel, near Bodmin, has submitted the plans to Cornwall Council.

In a design statement submitted with the plans it is explained: “The aspiration / business case is to retain the existing Golf Club and Hotel on the site providing opportunity to add further holiday and recreation accommodation and renovate existing building elements to obtain this. This process will provide multiple benefits.

“The immediate visual improvement of the site, especially areas not already utilised by the golf course, will now be improved and maintained. This will improve the overall upkeep of the area and feature as a place to visit and spend time in this part of Cornwall.

“The knock-on benefit being the improved trading with surrounding existing businesses and the attraction of a broader demographic to the vicinity. It is hoped that an improved range of recreation activities to the site will help attract and provide amenity for locals and visitors alike.”

The new holiday units would be one or two storey buildings and each would have two bedrooms. The plans also seek permission to build new overnight accommodation for staff and laundry building, as well as an extension to the existing bistro.

For more details about the proposals and to submit comments search for planning application number PA22/10047.