A TOWN council has put down a deposit in order to save a popular New Year’s Eve fireworks display.

Looe Town Council has paid the £2,000 needed to secure the booking so that the event has the best chance of going ahead.

The display on the seafront is enjoyed by hundreds of residents and visitors – but is funded and arranged by members of the community, said the town council.

“When a change of organisers this year meant that funds were not available to pay the deposit to the fireworks supplier, the group began crowd funding to raise the money needed,” said a council spokesperson.

Businesses and individuals in the town are contributing to this, but it was clear that there would not be enough money raised in time to pay the deposit. Fundraising is continuing to raise the balance needed for the fireworks display and Councillors are working with the organisers to encourage donations from local businesses and organisations, and to collect donations in the town or online via GoFundMe.com (search for ‘Looe fireworks’)

Tracey Pickard, fund raiser for the fireworks group, said: “We’re all keen to keep this event in Looe and we still need more volunteers to come forward and help us. We’re not a business with money sitting in an account so we need to raise funds to put the fireworks on. Looe is really good at coming together and contributing so I’m sure enough money will be raised, but we were stuck for a deposit until the Council stepped in, and we’re really grateful for their generous donation”.