LISKEARD Lions Club are working hard to put on a week full of fun as carnival comes back to town.
This year, traditional events including a procession of floats and pavement artist contest will be back – as well as some fun new additions to the programme.

It’s all part of the Lions ethos of “We Serve” said Kieron Jewell, who explained why the club has made a big effort to put on a variety of activities this year.
“It's really important to us that we start to put on more events and change the way we do events to keep up with the times.
“In the last 12 years I have lived in Liskeard I've always looked forward to the Carnival week for myself and my kids. We hope the week will be really well attended by the public.”

Starting off with the Pavement Artist competition and Carnival Bingo on the Tuesday, the week continues with Bingo at the Public Hall on the Thursday evening.
The focus of the week is Saturday, June 29, when a Carnival Funday with stalls, games and music will be taking place under the canopy at the Cattle Market. Anyone wishing to book a stall should visit
The Furry Dance will set off at 3pm – and don't miss the thrilling ball run on the Wildenet hill opposite Westbourne car park - balls will be released at 4pm. First prize is a tour for two at St Austell Brewery along with a £40 food/drink voucher to enjoy. Cash prizes for second and third place! To be in with a chance, buy your balls from the The Cornish Pudding Co, at one of the week’s earlier events, or online at

Head back to the town centre for the spectacular vehicle Carnival Parade which will set off from Rapson’s Car Park at 5.30pm to wind its way around the Liskeard area.
“This will be a fantastic opportunity for businesses to showcase their products and for groups to engage with the local community,” says Kieron.
“As many will know, Lions International has really struggled with insurance for road closure. The vehicle-only Carnival is temporary for this year and we hope that next year things will fall into place for having both vehicles and walkers within closed roads for Carnival.

“All entries this year will have to be vehicles with valid insurance and MOT - this allows us to do a vehicle carnival around town the same as the tractor runs that take place around the country.
“We hope to see lots of people come along and support our events as the money we raise goes back in to helping the community.”
Carnival Week timetable
Tuesday, June 25
5pm to 6pm — Pavement Artists at the Workshed shelter
7pm — Bingo at the Public Hall
Thursday, June 27
7pm — Quiz night at the Public Hall
Saturday, June 29
11am to 5pm — Carnival Fun Day at the Work Shed
3pm — Furry Dance, Work Shed car park
4pm — Ball Run, Wildanet Hill opposite Westbourne car park
5pm — Vehicle Carnival Parade from Rapson’s car park